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Privacy & Anonymity -- Information Exposed
Whenever you connect to internet your IP address is revealed as your phone number is released when you make a phone call. In addition to your IP address, the following information will be revealed as well if you connect to a website.
  • Server Name -- the name of the web server to which you are connecting.
  • Server Port -- the port number of the web server on which you are being connected, for most cases this value will be the well-known HTTP port number (80)
  • Your Host Name -- the name of computer you are using to connect to the web server.
  • Your Host Port -- the port number of your computer from which you are connecting, this value varies per connection.
  • Your Browser's Info -- information about your host. The format of this information is relatively free form, but it often includes the browser's name, version number and operating system of your computer.
  • Your Referral's URL -- information about the path how you reached here.
Privacy & Anonymity -- Products
As shown above, your online privacy can be easily jeopardized simply by visiting a website. Moreover, some unscrupulous hackers can grab those information together with your IP address to automatically exploit security holes in your operating system. If such security vulnerabilities exist, they can easily gain access to your computer -- either simply hang your machine or modify your files the way the hackers want. The simple way of going places without your IP being known is by using an IP proxy server in conjunction with a firewall for most cases.

A proxy server provides anonymous surfing service that retrieves information from the destination sites on your behalf but submits only its own identity to the sites it visits. By hiding your IP addresses, a proxy server can also help in the cases when some restrictions have been imposed on you to access some contents due to your geographic location or other access policies of those sites.

Here is a list(*) of free proxy servers:

(to be added..)

Note(*): The list will be updated periodically but an immediate access of this growing list can always be found here.
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